よくあるご質問 / Frequently Asked Questions


Tell me about the demographics of the club.

A. 吉祥寺トーストマスターズクラブのメンバー(会員)はベテランから初心者まで、年齢や職業も様々です。また、毎回ゲストの方が見学のために数名参加されます。見学は3回まで無料となっておりますので、お気軽にお問い合わせください。

Kichijoji TMC has a wide variety of members from beginners to experienced speakers, from different ages and professions. We also welcome several guests in every meeting. You can visit our club up to three times free of charge.


Do I need to prepare anything to visit a meeting?

A. 例会の見学の際にご準備いただくものはありませんが、例会中にゲストの方も参加できる1分間の英語スピーチ(事前にテーマが出題され、それに対して一人ずつ、英語で約一分間スピーチします)があります。当日希望する場合は発表いただけます(強制ではありません)。

You have nothing to prepare, but you may opt to join the English One Minute Speech Session (to give a one-minute speech in English under a specific theme given beforehand).


Should I take any test to join a club? Is there any required level as to my English skills?

A. スピーチスキルやコミュニケーションスキルを磨くというトーストマスターズクラブの趣旨に賛同し、私たちと一緒に活動したいと思ってくださる方ならどなたでも大歓迎です。



Anyone who agrees with our purpose of nurturing speech and communication skills can join the club! We use both English and Japanese in every meeting, so it’s especially beneficial for novice English learners and those who want to practice speaking in English.

Members have different English abilities, but you can enjoy practicing by setting your own goals.


I see a lot of photos on your website, but are photos of guests also posted on the website?

A. 写真については、ご本人の許可を得た上で掲載するよう心がけています。


We make it a rule to ask members and guests in advance if it would be okay to take and upload photos of them onto our website. Also, we ask each member at the time of registration if they do not mind for the club to use their photos and names in public.


Do I need to attend every meeting?

A. 例会に参加できない日があっても大丈夫です。他のメンバーも仕事や家庭の都合のつく範囲で参加しています。それぞれのペースで、スピーチをしたり、他のメンバーのスピーチの論評をしたりと、継続的にスピーチスキルの維持・向上に努めていますので、ご安心ください。

No worries about skipping some meetings. Members attend meetings according to their convenience and continue learning by delivering a speech or giving evaluation to other members with their own pace.


Do I need to pay any to visit a meeting?


No, you do not need to. Just feel free to visit!


Is there any professional speech coach in a meeting?


Different from a speech seminar, we do not have any professional coach. As NPO, members learn from each other by providing evaluation to the speeches.